[ADS]: Lexus & The Handmaid’s Tale: Only Bad Guys Drive Mercedes-Benz

5 min readNov 22, 2020


“Experience Amazing.”

Toyota, the Japanese auto manufacturer, has a cult following and deep influence on the American auto market. Its luxury vehicle division, Lexus, has also been making waves with its advertising campaign. “Experience Amazing,” Lexus’s tagline, suggests that driving a Lexus is not just driving a nice car — but is an experience.

Lexus is known for its commitment to innovation, style, reliability, and class. Its branding features crisp colors, usually with a darker tone, and showcases the luxury of the vehicle.

However, Lexus is such an innovative company in regards to advertising that its sponsorship of one of the most award-winning series on streaming services right now may raise some eyebrows.

The Handmaid’s Tale Sponsorship: Intentional or Coincidental?

If you have a Hulu account, you most likely have heard about the Hulu original series, The Handmaid’s Tale. The dystopian series, based on Margaret Atwood’s book, has been sponsored by Lexus and is one of the most successful series being streamed right now.

However, there’s an aspect to the show that has always made me (and many other fans) question Lexus’s sponsorship.

All the bad guys drive Mercedes-Benz.

An E-Class Mercedes featured in the series.

Whether it’s the G-Wagon taking Handmaids to brutal executions or other dreadful scenes, E-Class Mercedes cabriolet driven by the evil Waterford Commander couple, or Sprinter vans transporting Handmaids to their dooms, there’s no hiding the fact that Mercedes-Benz plays an uncomfortable role in the series.

Of course, all of the Mercedes badges are removed in the show, but the models are easily recognizable.

Automotive News spoke to the Mercedes-Benz USA Chief Marketing Officer Drew Slaven about his brand’s cars being used.

“It’s not something that I’m clapping my hands about and high-fiving and saying ‘Isn’t this great?’ But as someone who is paid to do the best job possible of keeping the brand front and center, I don’t cringe.”

Slaven and other executives would prefer to distance themselves from the show, but other private dealerships are attempting to use its features as a selling point. One Mercedes dealership in Arizona even encourages fans to come out and test drive the models used in the show, which could seem slightly tone-deaf given the context that the cars are used in within the series.

Could Lexus have deliberately chosen to sponsor the show in a bid to offer viewers an alternative brand to their luxury vehicle competitor? It could be a conspiracy, but would also be a brilliant marketing move that Lexus executives would likely never publicly admit to.

While there’s no way of knowing how intentional the sponsorship was, it is without a doubt a brilliant marketing move that has put the Lexus brand in front of millions of eyes due to the show’s popularity, and may have helped them gain on their competitors, too.

I mean, who would want to drive the same brand of car as Commander Waterford?

Always an innovator

While believing Lexus’s sponsorship of The Handmaid’s Tale is an intentional jab at its sector rival is only speculation, there is no doubt that Lexus is an innovator in traditional marketing, and its executives think outside the box in regards to advertising in other ways.

In 2018, Lexus created an ad that was scripted entirely by artificial intelligence. The ad, titled ‘Driven By Intuition’ was not the first AI-scripted ad, but was the brand’s foray into using data-driven ad creation.

The one-minute ad features dramatic visuals but no spoken words. While it’s not an ad that ever won advertising awards, it shows Lexus’s commitment to innovation and experimentation in the traditional advertising sector.

Humanizing luxury

A widely successful ad, “Our Greatest Curiosity” sought to make the Lexus brand more accessible, while still holding true to its sense of exclusivity.

While Lexus ads of the past featured suave businessmen and somewhat elitist characters, “Our Greatest Curiosity” features wide-eyed children, hipsters in a vinyl store, artists, and outdoor types. This ad still featured the pleasing images and dark colors that the brand is known for, but was a surprising twist to its typical commercial content.

As is true with all recent commercials, the segment is narrated by Minnie Driver, an English actress and singer.

While it may seem subtle, the brand’s choice to have a narrator with an English accent plays perfectly into their aura of sophistication.

According to Psychology Today, there is evidence to believe that many Americans believe that English accents sound more intelligent. Lexus has a brand voice that is modern, elegant, refined, and innovative, so this is an excellent choice.

Lexus evolves messaging during COVID-19

In true Lexus fashion, the brand has carefully crafted its messages during the COVID-19 pandemic and drastically changed its approach.

Instead of their typical narrator speaking during the commercials of 2020, Lexus made the uncommon choice to put the narration in the hands of its own automobile dealers.

Its commercial ‘The People Business’ further humanized the brand and made it approachable and vulnerable, without losing any of its luxury qualities.

In the segment, there is no mention of prices, payment plans, or really any promotional tone — just concern and calmness. There is also a diverse cast which helps the brand show its commitment to inclusivity.

“The People Business,” 2020

“In looking for a way forward during difficult times, this guiding principle is more relevant than ever: We believe in taking care of people first and the rest will follow,” said Lisa Materazzo, Lexus’s vice president of marketing, in a press release. “We always strive to do the right thing for each individual, and to put people first.”

An industry leader in more than just cars

Lexus is a brand that other brands, particularly in the automotive sector, need to look at and also look out for. Their research-driven approaches and ability to create messaging with a tone that is very true to their identity speaks volumes.

Lexus and its messaging are luxurious but not snooty, classy but not aloof, and modern but not gimmicky.

The “Experience Amazing” campaign is more than just a catchy slogan: for Lexus owners worldwide, it’s the consistency of excellence that keeps them coming back for more.

